

Greater Sins

Greater Sins

Recently in our Bible study on Wednesday evening, we had a good discussion on what the Bible teaches about the punishment of hell will be greater for some than others. This also brings up the question about greater rewards in heaven. Also greater sins and lesser sins is an issue that the Bible clearly teaches many places. So for the next few articles I want to address these issues as far as the Bible teaches and stop where it stops. Everyone wants to go to heaven and no one wants to go to hell, but if the Bible gives us more information than this, then I want to know the mind of God as much as possible.
God is just and fair. Behavior and deeds mean something to him.
“But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has  denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” (1Timothy 5:8). For this statement to be true (and I believe it is), there are several implications involved. 1.) First implication: A woman or man who does not provide for his own family, yet can profess to be a “believer”. It is possible, in fact there are dead beat dad’s and mom’s, who refuse to take care of their own, yet they “go to church” and have been baptized. (Church discipline needed 2Thess. 3:6-15).
2) Second implication: That dead beat man or woman has “denied” the faith by their unwillingness to provide for their own. Provide doesn’t mean extravagance, “If we  have food and  covering, with these we shall be content.” (1Tim. 6:8). But they are unwilling to provide the necessities to their own family. Jesus taught us to honor our parents (monetarily honor- Mat. 15:1-9). Jesus himself calls these people who don’t “hypocrites”.
3). This sin of not providing for your own family is “worse” than the sin of unbelief. The church then, will step in and take care of her own, “If any woman who is a believer  has dependent widows, she must  assist them and the church must not be burdened, so that it may assist those who are  widows indeed.”(1Tim. 5:16).
Jesus answered, “You would have no authority  over Me, unless it had been given you from above; for this reason  he who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.” (John 19:11). Caiaphas who delivered Jesus over to Pilate to be crucified, has a “greater sin”. And surely Judas himself, who had a hand in delivering Jesus over has the “greater sin”. All sins are to be avoided, they do not glorify God. God deserves our obedience and honor, in truth and not simply our lip service. May God’s will be done on earth (by me & you) as it is in heaven. Amen! Dan Peters