

Seek First

She was very upset in Bible class which made everyone else feel a bit awkward. She thought preachers and Bible class teachers had previously dismissed her high stress and anxiety by simply quoting Matthew 7:25-34. I felt bad because at the moment I couldn’t get into specifics with her, being in front of the class at the time. We tried to appease her gently. But if you have a moment to read Jesus, and make a decision, you too can have “the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension” (Phil.4:7).
Jesus said, ““No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and  money. ”(Matt. 6:24). Do you agree that you can have but one master? Most people don’t. “Worry” is mentioned six times in the next 10 verses, probably because people are attempting to serve two masters. We seek the American dream and we seek what pleases Jesus. Worry is often (not always), the result of burning the candle at both ends, in the attempt of pleasing both masters. Money does not care for your best interests, but money tries to earn your trust. Jesus on the other hand, has your best interest in mind, he too tries to earn your trust.  
Jesus has listened to your thoughts deeply, he knows how you think. He says, “do not be worried” (v.25), “why are you worried” (v.28), “do not worry” (v.31), “do not worry about tomorrow” (v.34). But if you serve money as your master, you will worry. Jesus seeks for you to trust him to the point that you no longer worry. It is in just such a context of high stress, high emotion, Jesus says he has the answer if you trust him. “But  seek first  the kingdom of God and his righteousness,  and all these things will be added to you.” (v:33). We must prove to Jesus, and to our own self that we are seeking him first. No short cuts, no easy way out, stay on the straight and narrow, putting him first as your only master. He owns the universe. He owns eternity (John 1:1-3). Why should we worry over a few bucks, or what’s going to happen tomorrow? Jesus is more than a multi-trillionaire and gives away eternal life to those who serve him. Please love him enough to keep his commandments. (John 12:26, 14:15). Do you trust Jesus? Enough to truly repent/change? He put you first, will you return the favor? Will you be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins (Acts 2:38)? For the one who trusts Jesus, the outcome is joy, joy, joy “made full” (John 15:11). And continually going to church is continual joy. I drop my nets when he calls. When I finish, the joy is stronger still. And then do it all over again! Amen!                       Dan Peters